Dustin Obrochta

5 WordPress Best Free Membership Plugin in 2023


As the popularity of membership sites continues to rise. Finding the WordPress Best Free Membership Plugin becomes crucial for website owners. Who is looking to offer exclusive content, subscription-based services, and more.

While there are numerous options available, we’ve compiled a list of the 5 best free WordPress membership plugins in 2023. That can help you create and manage a successful membership site. These plugins offer a range of features and customization options, ensuring that you can tailor your membership site. To meet your specific needs. 

What Is A Membership Plugin?

A membership plugin is a powerful tool that enables website owners to create and manage membership-based websites. It allows you to offer exclusive content, services, and other benefits to your registered members. Whether you want to provide premium content, online courses, subscription-based services, or a community platform, a membership plugin provides the necessary features and functionality to make it all possible.

You can implement user registration, login, and profile management systems with a membership plugin. This allows visitors to sign up, create user accounts, and become members of your site. Registered members gain access to exclusive content, features, and services that non-members cannot access.

What Can a WordPress Membership Plugin Do?

One of the key features of a membership plugin is content restriction. You can easily protect your premium or members-only content, ensuring that only authorized members can view and benefit from it. Content restriction can be applied to individual posts, pages, categories, or even specific portions of your content. This level of control ensures that your valuable content remains accessible. Only to those who have subscribed or paid for membership.
Membership plugins also offer various payment gateway integrations, enabling you to collect payments from your members. You can set up one-time payments, recurring subscriptions, or even free memberships. Payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, or Authorize.net are commonly supported, providing secure and convenient payment options for your members.

Furthermore, membership plugins often include additional features to enhance the membership experience. These may include email notifications, member analytics, social login integration, customizable registration forms, member directories, and more. 

The 5 Best Free WordPress Membership Plugins

These are the top membership plugins that you won’t want to miss out on if you are planning on building a membership site!

1. WP-Members


WP-Members is a robust and user-friendly WordPress membership plugin that allows you to transform your website into a membership site effortlessly. It offers features such as user registration, custom fields, content restriction, and email notifications, making it suitable for beginners and experienced users alike.

Key Features of WP-Members

  1. User Registration and Login: WP-Members allows you to set up user registration and login functionality on your WordPress site. Visitors can create accounts and log in to access members-only content.
  2. Content Restriction: With WP-Members, you can restrict access to specific content on your site. You have the flexibility to choose which pages, or posts that are available to registered members.
  3. Customizable Forms: The plugin provides customizable registration and login forms tailored to match your site’s design and branding. You can add custom fields to gather additional user information during the registration process.
  4. Email Notifications: WP-Members enables you to send automated email notifications to users for account activation, password resets, and other important actions. This helps keep your members informed and engaged.
  5. Member Management: WP-Members offers tools for managing user accounts and member profiles. You can view and edit member information, track user activity, and easily manage subscriptions or memberships.

2. Paid Memberships Pro


Imagine having Paid Memberships Pro, the incredibly popular and widely used free WordPress membership plugin. With its user-friendly interface and extensive features, it’s like having a personal assistant for managing memberships on your WordPress website. Whether you’re running an online course, a subscription-based service, or an exclusive community, Paid Memberships Pro has got you covered. It’s the go-to choice for countless website owners who want to provide a seamless membership experience to their users. Join the ranks of satisfied users and unlock the full potential of your WordPress website with Paid Memberships Pro.

Key Features of Paid Memberships Pro

  1. Robust Membership Management: Efficiently manage membership levels, subscriptions, and member profiles, including customizable registration and login forms.
  2. Content Restriction: Restrict access to specific content on your site, allowing you to create exclusive members-only areas.
  3. Flexible Pricing Models: Set up free or paid memberships, and offer recurring subscriptions, one-time payments, and trial periods.
  4. Integrated Payment Gateways: Seamlessly integrate with popular payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and Authorize.net for secure and convenient transactions.
  5. Extensive Add-Ons and Integrations: Extend the functionality of Paid Memberships Pro with numerous add-ons and integrations to enhance your membership site.

3. Simple Membership


Simple Membership is a flexible and well-supported WordPress plugin that enables you to offer free and premium content on your website. It provides features such as member registration, content restriction, custom login forms, and email notifications. Simple Membership is easy to use and suitable for various membership sites.

Key Features of Simple Membership

  1. User-friendly interface: The plugin offers an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for managing memberships and content restrictions.
  2. Content restriction: Easily restrict access to specific content, including posts, pages, and downloadable files, to members only.
  3. Flexible membership levels: Create multiple membership levels with customizable access levels to cater to different member groups.
  4. Secure registration and login: Implement secure registration and login forms to protect your membership site and ensure authorized access.
  5. Payment integration: Seamlessly integrate with popular payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe to enable paid memberships and process payments securely.

4. MemberPress


MemberPress is a comprehensive WordPress membership plugin that offers a range of powerful features. While it has a premium version, the free version still provides essential functionality for creating membership sites. MemberPress allows you to restrict access to content, set up multiple membership levels, and integrate with payment gateways.

Key Features of MemberPress

  1. Membership management: Easily create and manage various membership levels, access rules, and subscription plans for your WordPress site. 
  2. Content restriction: Restrict access to specific content, including posts, pages, categories, and files, based on membership levels and rules. 
  3. Payment integration: Seamlessly integrate with popular payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe to enable secure and flexible payment options for your members. 
  4. Content dripping: Drip-feed content to members over time, allowing you to gradually release new content and create a sense of exclusivity. 
  5. Built-in features: Enjoy built-in features like coupon management, affiliate program integration, email marketing integration, and detailed analytics for effective membership site management.

5. Ultimate Member

Ultimate Member is a reliable and feature-rich WordPress membership plugin that offers both free and premium versions. It provides user registration and profile management features, content restriction options, custom form builders, and email notifications. Ultimate Member is highly customizable and suitable for various membership site needs.

Key Features of Ultimate Member

  1. User profile creation: Allow users to easily create and customize their profiles with custom fields, avatars, and biographies. 
  2. Membership directories: Display a searchable directory of members on your WordPress site, making it easy for users to find and connect with each other. 
  3. Front-end user registration: Enable users to register and sign up for memberships directly from the front-end of your website, without needing to access the WordPress admin area. 
  4. Content restriction: Restrict access to specific content based on membership levels, allowing you to create exclusive content for different user groups. 
  5. User roles and permissions: Assign different roles and permissions to users, granting or restricting access to various features and sections of your site.

FAQ: WordPress Best Free Membership Plugins

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions regarding membership plugins.

What are membership plugins for WordPress?

Membership plugins for WordPress are tools that enable website owners to create and manage membership-based websites. These plugins provide functionalities such as user registration, login, content restriction, payment integration, and more, allowing you to build a thriving membership community.

Why should I consider using a free membership plugin for WordPress?

Free membership plugins offer a cost-effective solution for website owners who want to create membership sites without investing in premium plugins. These free options provide essential features to get started with your membership site and allow you to upgrade to premium versions as your needs grow.

Can I accept payments with free membership plugins?

Yes, some free membership plugins offer payment integration options. For example, Paid Memberships Pro supports popular payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe, allowing you to accept payments for your membership subscriptions.

Are free membership plugins secure?

Generally, free membership plugins undergo regular updates and have active community support, which helps maintain their security. However, it’s essential to choose plugins from reputable sources, regularly update them, and follow best security practices to ensure the safety of your membership site.

Can I upgrade from a free membership plugin to a premium version later?

Yes, most free membership plugins have premium versions available with advanced features and additional support. If you outgrow the capabilities of the free version or require more advanced functionalities.

Conclusion: Finding the Perfect Free Membership Plugin for Your WordPress Site

In conclusion, choosing the best free membership plugin for your WordPress website is crucial to create a successful membership platform. While there are many options available, several standout plugins offer excellent features and functionality without the need for financial investment.

Ultimate Member stands out with its extensive customization options, allowing you to create a unique user experience tailored to your specific needs. Restrict Content Pro offers robust content restriction capabilities, enabling you to control access to your valuable content effectively.  Paid Memberships Pro excels in seamless payment integration, simplifying the process of monetizing your membership site.

When selecting a free membership plugin, it’s essential to consider your specific requirements, ease of use, security measures, and scalability. Thoroughly evaluating each plugin’s features, compatibility, and community support will help you make an informed decision.
While free membership plugins provide a solid foundation, it’s worth noting that premium versions often offer more advanced features and dedicated support. As your membership site grows, upgrading to a premium membership plugin that aligns with your evolving needs may prove to be a wise investment.
Remember to prioritize regular updates, implement robust security measures, and ensure a seamless user experience to ensure the success of your membership site. A well-designed and well-maintained membership website can foster a thriving community, enhance user engagement, and help you achieve your goals.
In conclusion, free membership plugins for WordPress offer an excellent starting point for creating various types of membership websites, whether you’re building an online course platform, a subscription-based content site, or an exclusive community. By choosing the plugin that suits your requirements, you can embark on your journey to create a successful membership site with WordPress.
Dustin Obrochta and His sons

Hey, I’m Dustin. I love to write about WordPress, and how to improve your website! Check out my bio which covers a little more about who I am. Along with some cool photos of me and my family!

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products I’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.