Dustin Obrochta

Elementor Pro Vs Free: Which One Should You Get?

"Comparison of Elementor Free vs Pro: Free version has basic features while Pro offers advanced functionality and premium templates. Which one to choose?

Want to build a website with a polished appearance but have no coding experience? Look no further than Elementor, a well-liked WordPress page builder plugin. Website owners and developers alike love Elementor for its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface and extensive features. We’ll examine the features and advantages of Elementor Free Vs Pro in this post to help you choose which one could be more appropriate for your website’s requirements. Along with why someone should use elementor.

What Is Elementor?

Elementor The Best Page builder

Elementor lets us build websites without any coding experience, users can design and construct unique websites using the popular visual page builder plugin for WordPress. Using a drag-and-drop interface, a variety of design elements, and premade templates, users of Elementor can quickly and easily create beautiful web pages and also comes with a free hello theme to make it that much easier.

Without the use of costly and complicated design software, Elementor gives customers a platform with features that are simple to use and intuitive, allowing anyone to build websites that appear professional. The plugin comes with a selection of pre-made widgets and layouts that may be altered to meet the demands of any website, from straightforward landing pages to intricate eCommerce sites.

The efficiency and performance of Elementor are additional major advantages. The plugin is optimized for speed and includes features like lazy loading and minification to ensure that websites created with Elementor load quickly and efficiently. This is significant since website performance is a crucial element in both user experience and search engine optimization.

Why Should Anyone use Elementor?

Let me explain why Elementor is a crucial website design tool. First off, it offers a fantastic and simple platform that enables users to design and build unique websites without any custom CSS or prior coding experience. This is crucial for small company owners, bloggers, and other individuals who might lack the resources or knowledge to engage a professional web designer.

Second, a variety of design options and templates are available with Elementor that may be altered to suit the requirements of every website. This covers everything, from basic landing pages to intricate eCommerce websites. Elementor is a crucial tool for developing websites that are both aesthetically beautiful and useful thanks to its flexibility and agility.

Third, Elementor has had both its speed and performance optimized. Elementor-built websites are guaranteed to load swiftly and effectively thanks to features like lazy loading and minification! Website speed is a crucial element in both user experience and search engine optimization, therefore this is significant for both of these areas. So lets get into Elementor Free Vs Pro and why you might want to go pro.

Elementor features

Benefits & Features of Elementor Free Plan

Elementor Free is the basic version of Elementor. It’s a fully functional page builder plugin with a range of useful features. Some of these features include:

You can effortlessly drag and drop widgets into the pages of your website while using Elementor Free to build bespoke designs. A variety of helpful features, including text, images, videos, buttons, and more, are included with the plugin.

You can effortlessly drag and drop widgets into the pages of your website while using Elementor Free to build bespoke designs. A variety of helpful widgets, including text, images, videos, buttons, and more, are included with the plugin.

A theme builder is also included with Elementor Free, enabling you to design unique headers, footers, and other theme components. To make unique designs for your website, utilize the drag-and-drop editor. Additionally, you can select from a variety of pre-made templates using the template library.

Elementor Free can assist you in developing unique product pages as well as other store-related pages if you operate an online store using WooCommerce. A variety of WooCommerce widgets, such as the product price, add-to-cart button, product title, and others, are included with the plugin. To make unique designs for your store pages, use the drag-and-drop editor.

Being free is one of Elementor’s greatest advantages! The plugin is free to use, making it a wonderful choice for those on a low budget or those just starting out with their websites.

Elementor Free

Elementor Pro: Benefits & Features

Elementor Pro is the premium version of Elementor and comes with additional features and benefits. Some of these features include More Widgets and Design Options to build to your heart’s content.


Elementor Pro comes with a wider range of widgets and design options, including advanced form fields, pricing tables, and more.

Elementor Pro includes a range of pre-designed templates for headers, footers, and other theme elements. This can save you a lot of time and effort when designing your website.

Elementor Pro comes with a wider range of widgets and design options, including advanced form fields, pricing tables, and more.

Elementor Pro includes a range of custom WooCommerce widgets and templates, making it easier to create custom product pages and other store-related pages.

With Elementor Pro, you can create custom popups and sticky headers, buttons and more, which can help to increase conversions on your website.

The biggest drawback of Elementor Pro is that it’s not free. It requires a yearly subscription fee, which might be a bit expensive for some website owners. The lowest plan at the moment for 1 website is $59 a year and goes up from there. My advice is if you really want elementor but don’t want to pay $59. Just wait till they have a sale going on and buy it then!

Elementor vs. Elementor Pro: The Main Differences

Free vs pro for Elementor

You may anticipate more features with Elementor Pro than with most other free software products. It is a free Elementor plugin that provides a number of options to improve your online visibility. The following are the main variations between Elementor Free vs Pro: More widgets, premium services, and an extensive template library are available in the free version. A variety of tools are available in this free plugin to speed up the design process. This version won’t have any options, unlike the Pro editions. Your freelancing company shouldn’t be impacted by this.

Elementor Pro: Features, Pros, and Cons

Elementor is available as a free and premium plugin. While the free version includes many useful features, the paid version, Elementor Pro, includes even more features that the free version does not. Users with a premium subscription have access to a large library of templates that can be used to create unique and visually appealing pages. This is advantageous for both small and large websites that are continually adding new information and necessitate the use of unique features. Users may use this tool to simply edit various portions of their website, such as headers and footers, as well as build archives or pages. Furthermore, custom fields in plugins such as Advanced Custom Fields can be used to generate custom post templates or dynamic content, enhancing the website’s functionality even further.

Reusable Templates & Blocks

Elementor offers a vast library of templates that come prebuilt, making page building a quick and easy process. The free version provides access to over 30 template options, including popular pages like contact and about pages. Elementor also allows for customization by adding custom fonts. This feature is especially helpful in creating reusable templates, saving you time and eliminating the need to start from scratch. Additionally, this tool is compatible with any page.

Woo Commerce Store Builder

Elementor Pro has another awesome feature you can’t find inside its free plugin. This includes a widget for WooCommerce that makes building your own online store easier and much more customizable. Use this Elementor Pro to create an online single-product webpage, an archived product page, or other store components.

Woocommerce in Elementor
Global Widgets

As an Elementor user, you can take advantage of the global tools feature. This allows you to create a widget and set it as global, so any changes made to that widget apply to every instance of it on your site. This can save you time and effort, especially when it comes to Call To Action widgets. By editing it once, you can automatically update all instances of the widget across all your pages. Give it a try and see how it can simplify your website-building process.

Elementor Pro Features

Elementor Pro offers a wide range of remarkable features available to users with a premium subscription. Nevertheless, it is essential to keep in mind that there are certain drawbacks to utilizing this platform. One of these is the cost of a paid plugin subscription, which commences at $449 per year. Although this fee encompasses access to all Elementor features and premium support, you may find some of the functionalities irrelevant. Furthermore, if you do not need all the settings provided or are using a costly license, you may end up squandering your funds.


In conclusion, Elementor Free Vs Pro they are both a great option for creating custom designs and layouts on your WordPress website. While both Elementor Free and Pro are excellent tools, the decision to use one over the other depends on your website needs and budget. If you’re just starting out or have a small website, then Elementor Free may be sufficient. However, if you’re looking for more advanced functionality or need to create custom WooCommerce pages or popups, then Elementor Pro is the way to go. Whatever your choice, Elementor will help you create a professional-looking website without any coding knowledge.

Dustin Obrochta and His sons

Hey, I’m Dustin. I love to write about WordPress, and how to improve your website! Check out my bio which covers a little more about who I am. Along with some cool photos of me and my family!

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products I’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.