Dustin Obrochta

The 9 Best Elementor Themes: Your Ultimate Guide

The 9 Best Elementor Themes for 2023

Discover the Best Elementor Themes. We have put together an extensive collection and list the 9 best Elementor themes for 2023 on the market. I’ve compiled the most useful and practical Elementor themes of 2023. To please those who want to hurry!

This article focuses on what I think are great themes created mainly for Elementor to fill any of your needs.

What Is Elementor?

Elementor Pro Pricing: how to get the best value
Let’s talk about elementor and the way it works. This is our first step into understanding the WordPress Elementor page builder. In this article, I’m going to cover what is Elementor and how it all works, then go into more detail on what the difference is between a WordPress theme and an Elementor theme. Ultimately we’ll go over the 9 Best Elementor themes for 2023 on the market today!
Elementor page-building software is easy to use. The page builder lets developers create fully functional websites using pre-built elements along with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder. Nevertheless, some themes don’t work in tandem with Elementor but work with every other website builder. Some themes will automatically support Elementor in the background and others won’t.

What to consider when looking for the Best Elementor theme?

Ease of use: This should be your primary focus when installing a new theme, some themes when you install them have a variety of different tools and plugins some show up with so we want to make sure that theme is compatible with elementor. But most themes will likely work with Elementor but just double-check before making a purchase or downloading anything.

Next, we want to make sure that our theme works fast (ideally it loads under 1 second) with Google’s new algorithm changes they love to see websites that load incredibly fast. Google is extremely smart and they understand that when users land on a page and then bounce after a long load time they will stop sending traffic to your site.

This is because they focus on the user and their experience using google. One main factor that we also need to account for when thinking about load speed is that most humans have an incredibly short attention span. These are some of the things that I focused on when aggregating this list of The 9 Best Elementor Themes for 2023.

Difference between Elementor Themes and WordPress Themes

Elementor Theme is a WordPress theme built for page builders. Technically it is possible to integrate Elementor with any of the theme types on the site. Nonetheless, be careful about a few descriptions of popular themes. You may note that they mention the page builder they use.

This is because there are several WordPress page-building tools available. All offer their own modules in different ways, coded in different ways. Often a theme that works for a specific website builder (for example Divi or Beaver Builder) will not look the same if used by other tools.

Installing Elementor Themes

If you are familiar with WordPress and this isn’t your first rodeo then you understand that Elementor themes are just themes inside of WordPress and the installation process is no different than any other.
When uploading or looking for any theme it is very simple, head over to your Dashboard once inside we’re going to look for the Appearance then we find themes, and in the top left Add New.
While here you’ll see the starter theme Elementor recommends called “Hello Elementor” This is a free theme from the dev team to help you get started on your journey using the tool. Download it if you want to get started and learn a couple of things but if your looking for something different check out my top picks below!
In this journey of using elementor, you’ll learn a few different things, one that I’ll tell you now and might confuse you later down the line is that themes and templates are not the same things. The theme is in the background while the templates can be used on top of any theme that you’d like. Templates can range from something simple to complex structures it just depends. These can be easily imported while you are using Elementor.

The 9 Best Elementor Themes

Here I’m going to cover the 9 best Elementor themes that you can get some are Free. Yes free, I know we all love something free. Along with some that you need to pay for but are worth your money. But stick around and I’m sure you’ll find something you’ll love.
WPastra Best Elementor Themes
If you’re new to Elementor and begin working on your website, I always recommend Astra, it requires minimal effort to get a website up and running. You can learn to use the elements that it comes with and see how everything works quickly. For me, Astra is by far one the best elementor themes.
With Astra, as I mentioned prior we want to focus on load speed, this is extremely valuable when looking for a theme. Astra is a very compact theme and has some of the fastest-loading options for your site. The theme also provides us with a huge selection of website demos and page templates to select from hence why I said it was so easy to get your website up and running using Astra. This is why astra is in my top 9 Best Elementor Themes for 2023.

Key Features:

Price: The best part is there is a Free Version of Astra. Also, there is a paid plan for $59 a year which will allow you access to additional Website Demos and Templates.

Elementor Theme
Hello, Elementor is a free theme that comes from the developers themselves, this is your playground to understand and learn how everything functions so if you want to develop your skills inside Elementor this is your golden ticket.
The theme is also very lightweight just like Astra. But I recommend using Hello Elementor if you’d like to get into the design of your website and want to customize everything from head to toe. Plus Hello seems to with any Elementor template if you want to go that route too.

Key Features:

Price: No money at all Hello Elementor is Free.

3. Ocean WP (Free version and Pro Plans)

OcecanWP Theme For Elementor

OceanWP is the top choice for thousands of designers, eCommerce stores, and developers. OceanWP excels at its multipurpose functionality, from its ease of use and its beginner friendliness. Just like Astra, it has a similar feature in how you can have a website up with just a couple of clicks then you are done. It comes with a large selection of modern demos and elementor templates to select from to help you easily build your website from start to finish.

Along with all the awesome features that OceanWP has they also have an awesome support team if you ever have any questions needing to be answered. Another great feature they have is that if you aren’t happy with your purchase at all they offer a 100% refund guarantee, so if you’re having trouble and not liking the product at all it’s not an issue just get your money back and move on. But trust me I’m sure you won’t need to refund anything because OceanWP is top of the line!

Key Features:

Price: OceanWP does have a free plan, along with their Pro version that starts at $37 per year. For the value with OceanWP, it’s a great deal.

4. Sydney (Free and Pro Plans)

Sydney Theme for Elementor
Sydney is another great choice that’s also one of my personal favorites. They have a large array of starter sites to select from, some that are free and others that come with the Pro version of the theme. But once you see some of these starter sites you’ll be ready to download in seconds! One awesome thing that the Sydney theme does well is the header styles, Sydney comes with five different headers, customizable for desktop and mobile which is something I love to see.
With the pro plan, some other features come with the theme. Some are that you can get Extended WooCommerce Features, Beautiful blog archive layouts, and some extra elementor widgets. Sydney starts at $69 for the year so very inexpensive when you begin to consider everything that comes with the theme.

Key Features:

Price: Sydney does have a free version. Try it out and give it a show but the Pro version starts at $69 a year, which does include all the features mentioned above.

5. GenreatePress (Free and Pro Plans)

Generatepress for elementor
Generate Press is an extremely lightweight theme that focuses on speed, stability, and accessibility. I always recommend starting your website in the right direction and GeneratePress is a great choice. One thing GeneratePress does well is the compatibility with all top page builders on the market even if you’re not using Elementor. With the theme, there is a large selection of starter sites, some with the free plan, and more come with the pro plan.
What I love with all these themes and with Generate Press too is the speed at which you can get your website up and running, from designing websites myself for a few years this is extremely valuable.

Key Features:

Price: generate press does have a free version. Try it out and give it a show but the Pro version starts at $59 a year, which does include all the features mentioned above.

6. Layers(free)

Layers theme top 9 best elementor themes for 2022
The layers theme is designed for everyone. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned pro, it was designed in such a way for everyone to use it. Layers were purchased by Elementor so they work seamlessly together. Layers allow its users to fully customize their website with great features such as resizing your logo to perfectly fit your site even adjusting your header to allow some breathing room with the height and width and controlling your buttons along with your menus.
All Around Layers is a great choice for anyone. With the price of being free, you can’t beat that. This is an Elementor-exclusive theme so if you are using any other page builder this wouldn’t be for you. Layers can provide you with a core foundation to get your website started today!

Key Features:

Price: It’s Free!

7. Hestia (Free and Pro plans)

Hestia theme for Elementor
Hestia’s target audience to those of you searching for a theme to build a one-page website. I understand this isn’t for everyone but it makes the list and let me tell you why. To start, it has high performance that comes with a great user experience. When focusing on just one page you get the advantage of just optimizing that one page for speed and this theme will allow just that so you can get that perfect score every time.
Also as a seasoned designer, one thing that I sometimes struggle with is designing a ton of pages, for my clients. Hestia allows the designer to focus all his or her attention on a single page, which can dramatically increase the speed of the work and allow for more significant optimization of that page. The theme also comes with a variety of different features that come with it from WooCommerce to blogging.

Key Features:

Price: Hestia does have a free version along with a paid plan. The pro plan starts at $69 a year and this will give you access to many more starter sites along with a variety of templates and their support team.

8. Zakra (Free and Pro plans)

Zakra Theme

Zakra is an extremely flexible, fast, and modern theme that comes with a large selection of starter sites. Currently, they have 10+ free sites, and more coming soon. This allows you to get something up and begin working quickly which is something I love.

Even with its large selection of start sites, Zakra offers great performance with the theme and has an awesome support team in place if you are ever in need of help.

Key Features:

Price: Zakra does have a free plan, but they also have a pro plan that starts at $69 a year and will allow access to more templates and starter sites. 

9. Jupiter (Pro plan)

Jupiter theme
To end our list we have Jupiter. This theme had to go in the top picks for a few reasons, one being that Jupiter really aced the amount of full site and page designs that this theme comes with they have over 450!
Jupiter has several really great features the theme comes with that improve the functionality of your stores they have unrivaled shop customization along with a sales funnel builder and 1-click order bumps & upsells. Typically with features like these, I’ve searched myself and you need to pay for other plugins to provide something similar.
As for the page builders, Jupiter is mainly compatible with Elementor. If you use another page builder the theme might not work properly. But if you do use elementor you’ll get a massive library of full-page templates along with sections, including pricing tables and much more.

Key Features:

Price: Jupiter only has a pro plan that starts at $59.

Finale Thoughts

Elementor is one of the most popular page builders by far on the market right now. Of course, there are others but I want to provide everyone with my top theme picks as I know when starting your site this can be very daunting. I really wanted to focus my attention on the themes that can provide you with a fast and easy start. So if you are really on the fence still and can’t decide I’d go with Astra or Hello Elementor.

That being said Astra has been my go-to for some time now hence the reason it being the top of the list. These are both awesome options to begin building, they both come with Free versions so you don’t need any money to get started. Also, they’re both very lightweight themes and super easy to set up. Thank you all for reading The 9 Best Elementor Themes for 2023.

Dustin Obrochta and His sons

Hey, I’m Dustin. I love to write about WordPress, and how to improve your website! Check out my bio which covers a little more about who I am. Along with some cool photos of me and my family!

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products I’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.