Dustin Obrochta

Hey. I'm Dustin. Here's my life in a nutshell.

My Story

I’m starting this blog as a little side project on top of what I have going on currently. This is to put my skills to the test and take my business to the next level that’s my goal. I also want to teach others how this is possible for anyone, only if you apply yourself and actually stay committed.

I plan to teach you and many others how to build websites, do keyword research, SEO and many other skills. We can continue to go on and on but I feel you like you get the gist.

Dustin Obrochta

A little backstory:

Pursuing the journey of blogging has been in my head for a while and it seemed like I just didn’t want to take the necessary action steps to get things moving. I feel like as individuals we have this idea that we want everything to be perfect. But that just isn’t the case with anything, this was one of the limiting beliefs that I had. I wanted my site to be perfect before I started it, I wanted the perfect images and text all just laid out for me. But that just isn’t real and was silly of me to think that. In life, we need to put these beliefs aside and take into account what actually matters. 

All that mattered was I needed a site up, because I can edit this page a thousand times if I wanted to and honestly nobody would remember in a week anyway. After all, we are in such an attention-driven society it doesn’t truly matter it’s all inside our head. 

Why A Blog? 

I figure that many people have the wrong idea about blogs and think blogs are outdated and something people don’t care about them  anymore, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Blogs have been here since the birth of the internet and remain relevant to this day. Another little secret you might not know is that they are GREAT at building a solid source of income online. If you actually devote time and nurture the website PROPERLY. Currently, my brother who is the SEO goat has two sites that generate a steady income monthly and doesn’t lift a single finger besides going to check on them for about 30 minutes a month, if that. So I’m here to change your perception of the whole misnomer of the blogging industry. 

My Blogging Goal:

My goal here with this website is to teach the new coming generation that you can build a REAL income online not through selling some trash drop-shipped products or by trading forex or anything like that. This is just simply what all the biggest internet gurus are preaching these days. But by simply working on a business and taking care of it. This is not a get-rich-quick type of scheme but you can make a real income and sustain it with hard work and the proper systems in place. 

But back to my original statement. “Why a blog first” With this blog I have put myself at the face of it so it is attached to my personal brand and that is why this works. I want to maintain my reputation as being an upstanding guy and not fuck my future customers over, I’m not here to sell you some garbage but just to teach you valuable skills. That’s it. 

I Want to Take a Moment and Thank You For Being Here

If you’ve read this far I genuinely appreciate your time and focus. I want to impact as many people as possible before I leave this planet. 

I’m here to help and if anyone wants guidance on how to get started aside from the blogs that I have up, I will try to respond to emails and provide some value to you in the best ways I can. 

Thank you for taking the time to read what I have to say.